What is DistrictMUN TIPS?
Individual delegates can fill out the form above, or advisors can register a group of students!
This year, DistrictMUN is offering DistrictMUN TIPS (Training and Interactive Program with the Secretariat) for the first time. Modeled after NAIMUN TIPS, the training program of our high school Model UN conference, DistrictMUN TIPS is an interactive in-person/virtual four-week Model UN training curriculum designed for middle school delegates who have little to no prior Model UN experience, or simply want to refresh their skills. Over the four weeks, TIPS will cover the basics of Model UN, parliamentary procedure, public speaking skills, researching & writing, GA vs. crisis committees, and more! TIPS also includes DistrictSim, a short, in-person simulation to orient first-time/newer delegates to the flow of an actual Model UN committee before they attend DistrictMUN. Both DistrictMUN TIPS and DistrictSim will be hosted by DistrictMUN secretariat members and staffers.
TIPS programming is available to all registered and waitlisted delegates at no extra cost. Below are the two blocks that the 4-week TIPS curriculum and DistrictSim will take place; note that Blocks 1 and 2 will cover the same content. All DistrictTIPS sessions will take place on these dates from 7-8 pm. Block 1 dates will ALL be virtual, while Block 2 dates may also include an in-person option @ Georgetown's main campus (exact location TBD) in addition to the virtual option. All virtual sessions will be held over Zoom @ bit.ly/districtmun-tips. We will make every effort to accommodate your delegates, but we ask that you please sign up delegates AT LEAST 24 hours in advance of the session you wish to attend.
Block 1
Monday, Jan 20th | Monday, Jan 27th | Monday, Feb 3rd | Monday, Feb 17th (President's Day)
Block 2
Monday, Feb 24th | Monday, March 10th | Monday, March 17th | Monday, March 24th
Saturday, March 22nd: 11-1 pm @ Georgetown University*
*Exact location on Georgetown's campus and timing TBA closer to date
NOTE: If your school is unable to travel in-person to Georgetown's campus during these times but would still like to receive in-person DistrictMUN TIPS training, please email our Deputy & Chief Local Strategists, Victoria Schmidt and Miranda Xiong (v.schmidt@modelun.org and m.xiong@modelun.org) for more information! You can also fill out our interest form here to learn more about GIRA’s broader offerings for DMV schools.