Substantive Policies
Below are the substantive policies that DistrictMUN implements to ensure the most accessible experience for both delegates and advisors. Please adhere to the following conference policies in order to create a fun, educational, and equitable learning environment for all. Any inquiries about substantive policies should be referred to Secretary-General, Anahita Asudani at
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited at DistrictMUN. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to verbatim or near-verbatim copying from academic or non-academic sources. This rule applies to position papers, draft resolutions, directives, and other documents that delegates may write throughout the conference. All written work produced over the course of the conference will be checked for plagiarism, including work written at past conferences. This can range from copying a position paper that a teammate had previously written or copying from a document written at another point in time.
Claiming ownership of the substantive work of other delegates is also strictly prohibited at DistrictMUN. Since many committees will use shared documents to write working papers, draft resolutions, and directives, delegates will be able to contribute simultaneously to the production of documents. While this collaborative nature is certainly encouraged, delegates also must keep in mind that any one delegate or double delegation has the right at any time to remove their own clauses from a document they were previously contributing to. Still, no single delegate or double delegation may strike a clause that was written collaboratively with other delegates.
Research is encouraged when preparing for the conference, and delegates should feel free to cite information in their position papers and other documents, especially as it pertains to their country’s or character’s policy. However, delegates cannot claim others’ ideas as their own. Therefore, when using outside sources and research, explicit citation is required.
Any concerns that a delegate in your committee is violating our plagiarism policies may be relayed to the Secretariat, who will investigate all significant cases brought to their attention. Any delegate found guilty of plagiarism will be immediately disqualified from any award in his or her committee, and the delegation as a whole may be removed from any consideration for delegation awards depending on the severity of the violation. Furthermore, the DistrictMUN Secretariat reserves the right to search laptops, USBs, and Model UN binders in response to these allegations. All confirmed cases of policy violations will be brought to the attention of the delegation’s advisor(s).
Pre-Writing Policy
Pre-writing is prohibited at DistrictMUN. Pre-writing includes any formal language, clauses, or directives that were written before a topic officially opens during committee. Even if the ideas in a pre-written document are original and not plagiarized, delegates may not bring in clauses or directives before Committee Session I. This includes handwritten notes to the crisis staff or acronyms to use in a working paper or draft resolution.
This does not imply that delegates should not bring in any resources whatsoever, as delegates are strongly encouraged to research their topics and be familiar with their country or position’s policy. Bringing in resources such as pertinent articles or UN documents is certainly allowed so long as delegates cite those sources.
In terms of original content, delegates may also prepare a general outline of what they would like to accomplish, whether it be in a General Assembly or crisis context. The language and structure of such an outline should not be specific enough so as to give delegates the option to copy said language into any document produced throughout the course of the conference. For example, a delegate may outline a crisis arc, including what they want to obtain or accomplish, and bring that to their committee with them. They may not, however, bring in sample directives or notes that they could potentially be copied and used in committee. Even if delegates do not explicitly copy the content of pre-written documents, discovery of such material will be considered in violation of DistrictMUN’s Code of Conduct.
Delegates should feel free to approach any member of the DistrictMUN Secretariat before the start of the first committee session in order to verify whether or not they are in violation of our pre-writing policy with regard to any documents that they possess. In these cases, any policy violations brought to our attention early enough will not result in disqualification, though that delegate will not be permitted to use the materials that specifically violate pre-writing policy.
Similar to the plagiarism rules, any concerns that a delegate in your committee is violating our pre-writing policies may be relayed to the Secretariat, who will investigate all significant cases brought to their attention. Any delegate found guilty of pre-writing will be immediately disqualified from any award in his or her committee, and the delegation as a whole may be removed from any consideration for delegation awards depending on the severity of the violation. Furthermore, the DistrictMUN Secretariat reserves the right to search laptops, USBs, and Model UN binders in response to these allegations. All confirmed cases of policy violations will be brought to the attention of the delegation’s advisor(s).
Technology Policy
The use of laptops, tablets, and cellular devices is prohibited in committee rooms while the committee is in session, in order to respect other delegates and prevent distractions. At the discretion of the Chair, during unmoderated caucuses delegates may use laptops and other electronic devices in order to prepare and compile substantive documents (working papers, draft resolutions, etc.) in General Assembly style committees. Additionally, Chairs of General Assembly style committees may permit one delegate per double delegation to use technology during committee sessions as long as they remain outside of the committee room. Delegates without laptops or other technological implements will not be at a disadvantage or penalized in any way. Delegates may not use laptops or technology for any other purpose during a session without the expressed permission of the Chair. Delegates in committees not referenced in this policy may not use technology for any reason during committee sessions without the expressed permission of the Chair. Any concerns that a delegate in your committee is violating our technology policy or using technology in an inappropriate way may be relayed to the Secretariat.
Remaining On-Policy
Delegates are reminded to adhere to the policies of the government or position that they are representing, even in crisis committees. Remember that in Model United Nations, delegates are ambassadors representing countries, not their own views. However, delegates should not feel constrained by this rule! Compromise, cooperation, and creativity are in the spirit of the United Nations, and delegates should not feel that they should ever sacrifice diplomacy in order to remain on-policy. Delegates who feel unsure about their country’s position on a specific topic can approach the Chair or Dais staff at no penalty to themselves either before or during the conference.
Awards Policy
DistrictMUN gives out awards in each committee to recognize delegates who demonstrate strong leadership abilities. Chairs have no binding awards policy, but are encouraged to reward delegates who are well-researched, well-spoken, and well-regarded by their peers. Such delegates push their committees forward and demonstrate the values of compromise and coexistence upon which modern diplomacy is based, balancing their individual interests against the goals of the collective body. Please note that to be eligible for an award, delegates must submit a position paper to their Chair(s) by the end of the first session. For more information, please refer to the Position Paper Policies section. Any delegate found guilty of pre-writing, plagiarism, or violating the Code of Conduct will be immediately disqualified from any award in his or her committee, and the delegation as a whole could be removed from any consideration for delegation awards.
Position Paper Submission Policies
Position papers are required for all delegations. Any delegate who does not submit a position paper will be ineligible to receive an award. Position papers must be submitted by the end of the first committee session. Position papers should be submitted in person during the first session of the conference.
Delegates who want feedback on their position papers should specify this during submission.